Design and Horticulture Competitions
Wednesday, March 15th, 7pm
Design Competition
Class: Small Wonders: A Small Design using a found object. (think spring)
A free digital version of the Handbook for Flower Shows may be accessed here.
Horticultural Competition
Class 1. Orchid: any size
Class 2. Forced Branch: (12” - 30”)
Class 3. Flowering Bulb: (one stem)
Class 4. Houseplant: (not to exceed a 10” container)
Class 5. Any other worthy specimen
Interested in entering the design or horticulture competition? Use one of these cards with your entry.
For regional programing, go to The Garden Club Federation of Massachusetts.
Hamilton-Wenham Garden Club, PO Box 2035, South Hamilton MA 01982 | Contact us | follow us at