Each year, the HWGC awards a community scholarship to a graduating senior.
The Hamilton-Wenham Garden Club (HWGC) is again offering a $1,000 scholarship to any graduating high school senior living in Hamilton or Wenham.
They may however, attend any high school or secondary school. Applicants should be planning to pursue further education at an accredited two- or four-year college in Environmental or Horticultural studies such as: |
- landscape design
- forestry
- conservation
- botany
- agriculture
- climate change
- or other related fields
To request an application, please contact the guidance department at your school or the Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School. Please submit your completed application to your school's guidance office by April 4th, 2025. Interested candidates must also submit a paragraph/short essay addressing why they want this scholarship, what field they intend to pursue, and why this field is important to them. The Hamilton Wenham Garden Club will notify the Guidance Office of the recipient mid-May, 2025.

Hamilton-Wenham Garden Club, PO Box 2035, South Hamilton MA 01982 | Contact us | follow us at